“Out beyond ideas of wrong doing and right doing,
there is a field.
I’ll meet you there.”
— RUMI —
MEET professional life coach
Deborah Gerard
With over a decade of professional coaching under my belt, and decades more invested in my own personal growth and development work, I know without a doubt that YOU are the expert on your life, and no one else.

Hello, and welcome!
As a professional coach, I support and empower men and women who are facing challenges in their personal and/or professional lives, to find within themselves the answers and resolutions they are seeking.
Therefore, as we work together, rather than advising, leading, or lecturing, I leverage my exceptional listening skills and innate curiosity to allow for the exploration of your fears and doubts, your dreams and passions, by asking powerful, open-ended questions that will move you past the answers and into a place of personal insight, self-compassion, and self-acceptance. The insights you create inform the actions you take and will put you on the path to living a uniquely joyful, inspired and purpose-driven life.
Being present and bearing witness to my clients as they become empowered to take action informed by their own unique inner knowing is my true passion and is why I coach.
The bottom line? It’s all about trust. Trusting me, trusting the process, and ultimately trusting yourself – your voice – your truth.
I invite you to stay a few minutes more to read about my coaching Process and, if curious, a little bit about me in My Story. I’d love to hear your story. Send me an email, and we’ll set up a time to talk!
I will challenge your perspectives, beliefs, and choices by asking powerful, open-ended questions and, together, we will identify any inner dialogue that is getting in the way of your commitment to yourself and to your goals.
During each call, we will co-create practices to support and strengthen the insights you discover that will put you in action and maintain a healthy forward momentum toward the realization of your goals.
Goals accomplished!, plus increased confidence and personal empowerment. Amplified clarity and vision for possibilities previously unforeseen. Trusting yourself - your voice - your truth.
Are you wondering…?
Ask yourself what you want to accomplish with a coach. Would having an objective, supportive ally help you achieve your goal? Are you open to considering new perspectives? Are you ready and willing to invest the time and energy necessary to make desired changes? If the answer to these questions is yes – let’s talk.
People choose to work with me for a number of reasons:
Support to kick start a dream
A lack of clarity around important choices
A desire for healthier relationships
Stuck behind roadblocks of fear and self-doubt
Something at stake (e.g., a job, relationship, or health)
Overwhelming stress causing life to feel unbalanced and out of control
Perfectionism constricting life’s potential
Feeling lost, and without direction; not knowing who they are, or what they want in life
The length of a coaching partnership depends largely on your needs and preferences, as well as your personal goals and work style. In my practice I recommend a minimum of four months of focused, one-on-one coaching. Oftentimes, the clients I work with reach their intended results within that time frame and choose to continue coaching month-to-month to reach additional goals.
Absolutely! There are countless benefits, including:
A more loving and compassionate relationship with yourself and others
Changes in self-awareness and in awareness of others
Shifts in thinking that influence your actions and the choices you make
Amplified clarity and vision
Options and possibilities previously unforeseen
Increased confidence and a sense of empowerment
A commitment to your personal well-being
The ability to find refuge and peace from within
My practice is heart centered and values driven. My core values are being present/ being with, joy, wisdom, strength and mastery. My coaching education was brick and mortar, ICF certified, lengthy and rigorous providing me with a solid understanding of how to best be of service. In addition, I have innate gifts of extraordinary listening, empathy, big picture vision, and a keen intuition and memory for detail. As a result of my investment in my own personal growth and development, both past and present, I can promise that our sessions are always all about YOU. I create a safe space for my clients to show up and do the work and, an added bonus: I have a great sense of humor and love to laugh!

Invest in Yourself
It’s all about trust. Trusting me, trusting the process, and ultimately trusting yourself – your voice – your truth.